Fifth Grade

Mandatory requirements from Orange County Public Schools:



Computer Based Assessments

  1. Student will score above a Level 1 on the FSA ELA (Reading and Writing- combined score) Test.

    Students that do not score above a Level 1 will be remediated in intensive reading in middle school.

  2. Student will score above a Level 1 on the FSA Mathematics test.

    Students that do not score above a Level 1 will be remediated in intensive math in middle school.




    Paper Based Assessments


  3. Student will score a 3 or above on the FCAT 2.0 Science Test.

  4. Writing – Combined with Reading Test (ELA Score)

FSA is composed of test items that include:

Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice 

Open Response

Restate the question; Answer the question; cite evidence; explain the evidence

Technology Enhanced Items

-Drag and Drop




Drag and Drop Order of Events 





Literary (Fiction)

Fiction: Books that are not true

Informational (Non-Fiction)

Nonfiction: Real books that tell, inform, teach and explain 

Students will be able to:

  • Quote accurately from the text
  • Draw inferences
  • Determine themes (summarize the text)
  • Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, events
  • Determine the meaning of words and phrases

    *Figurative Language*

    -similes and metaphors

    -context clues

    (synonyms, antonyms, homographs)

  • Explain how chapters, scenes, and stanzas fit together to provide structure
  • Describe how a speaker or narrators point of view influences how events are described
  • Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the overall meaning, tone or beauty of a text
  • Compare and contrast stories in the same genre


Students will be able to:

  • Quote accurately from the text
  • Draw inferences
  • Determine two or more main ideas and support with key details (summarize the text)
  • Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas or concepts
  • Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words – context clues
  • Compare and contrast the overall text structure
  • Chronology
  • Comparison
  • Problem and Solution
  • Cause and Effect
  • Analyze multiple accounts of the same topic noting important similarities and differences in their point of view
  • Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources to answer questions
  • Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points
  • Integrate information from several texts on the same topic to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.


Students will be able to:

-Demonstrate conventions of standard English grammar and usage

-multiple meaning words-Greek and Latin root words/affixes

-relationships between words (synonyms, antonyms, homographs)







Students are required to synthesize and analyze ideas from the passages to develop and support a controlling idea from the prompt.

Students are required to synthesize and analyze ideas and evidence from the passages to support or argue an opinion or claim.




Number Sense and Operations

The student…

* knows that place value relates to powers of 10 and recognizes patterns with powers of 10

* reads, writes, compares, and rounds decimals to the thousandths

* fluently multiplies multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm

* divides multi-digit whole numbers using various strategies

* adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides decimals to the hundredths

* adds and subtracts fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators

* multiplies fractions and mixed numbers and interprets multiplication as scaling

* interprets fractions as division and divides unit fractions and whole numbers

* determines the operations needed to solve one and two-step problems

Algebraic Thinking

The student…

* evaluates expressions with multiple operations and grouping symbols following the appropriate order

* analyzes number patterns and states the rule

* writes and evaluates numerical expressions

Order of operations rule: G 

Measurement and Data

The student…

* converts among different-sized standard measurement units within both the customary and the metric measurement system *makes and interprets line plots that display measurement data, including measurements in fractions of a unit *measures the volume of solid figures using cubic cm, cubic in, cubic ft, and improvised units


Ways to measure things 


The student…

* knows how to identify, locate and plot ordered pairs of whole numbers on a coordinate plane

* identifies the attributes of two-dimensional figures and understands the relationship between the categories and subcategories

* classifies two-dimensional figures into Venn diagrams based on attributes


Understanding 2-D geometry plotted quadrants 




Science is a series of steps 

The Nature of Science

The student…

* collects, organizes, and analyzes data while carrying out scientific investigations

* distinguishes between observations and opinions

* knows the importance of replication in scientific investigations

Science questions: 

Earth and Space Science

The student…

* knows the parts of the water cycle

* knows that water can be in a gas, liquid, or solid-state and can go back and forth from one state to another

* knows the climate zones of Earth and recognizes the factors that determine the weather in a particular place and time

* knows the physical properties of minerals including hardness, color, luster, cleavage, and streak color

* knows the role of minerals in the formation of rocks

* knows the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources

* knows the difference between weathering and erosion

* knows galaxies are made of gas, dust, stars, and objects orbiting the stars

* knows the common characteristics of planets, as well as the properties of inner and outer planets

* distinguishes among the objects in the Solar System such as the Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, and comets

* knows that the rotation of Earth affects the appearance of the moon, Sun, and stars

* knows the difference between Earth’s rotation and revolution


Solar System 

Physical Science

The student…

* compares and contrasts the properties of matter

* knows the conditions that speed up or slow down the process of dissolving

* knows that physical and chemical changes are affected by temperature

* knows that forces, such as pushes or pulls, cause objects to move

* knows that the more massive an object is, the less effect a given force has

* knows that energy can cause motion or create change, and the basic forms of energy include light, heat, sound, electrical, chemical, and mechanical

* knows that electrical energy can be transformed into heat, light, and sound energy, as well as the energy of motion

* knows the materials that do and do not conduct electricity, as well as fact that electricity requires a closed circuit


Fundamental States of Matter: Gas, Liquid, Solid 

Life Science

The student…

* knows organs in the human body and describes their functions

* compares and contrasts the function of human and animal organs to the physical structures of plants

* knows the structures in plants and their roles in food production, support, water and nutrient transport, and reproduction

* compares and contrasts the life cycles of plants (flowering versus nonflowering seed-bearing plants) and animals (i.e., complete versus incomplete metamorphosis)

* knows the flow of energy from the Sun as it is transferred along the food chain from producers to consumers

* knows the impact that animals and humans can have on their environments, as well as naturally occurring environmental changes

* knows different plant and animal adaptations that help an organism survive in its environment


planting a garden 



We are a Team 


Stay involved and connected!

  • - Communicate with the teacher

    - Ask about progress

    - Ask for help/support at home

    - Offer positive support for your child!

    - Encourage your child

    - Help your child

Take advantage of online resources and support

Information for Parents and Students 

  • The username is your child’s student number and their password is their birthday